Extend Your T&M to mmWave Bands
TMYTEK UD Box 5G with thinkRF RTSA R5500
This application note describes the integration of TMYTEK UD Box 5G up/down-converter with the thinkRF R5500 real-time spectrum analyzer, which will demonstrate the ability to use existing sub-6 GHz spectrum analyzer to analyze 5G mmWave (FR2) signals.
Today’s high-band signal standards are using higher frequencies and wider bandwidths than ever before. Mobile operators and system integrators can retain existing field, lab, and manufacturing test equipment, extend the life of their investment, and reduce time to market and costs when measuring 5G signals in a variety of deployment scenarios and applications.
This application note describes the integration of TMYTEK UD Box 5G up/down-converter with the thinkRF thinkRF R5500 real-time spectrum analyzer, which will demonstrate the ability to use existing sub-6 GHz spectrum analyzer to analyze 5G mmWave (FR2) signals.
The test setup includes a 28 GHz mmWave signal generator source, which illustrates down-conversion in 2 different ways: LO < RF and LO > RF (LO- Local Oscillator, RF- Radio Frequency), producing IF - 3 GHz and IF - 5 GHz respectively. The IF signal spectrum was displayed with the real-time spectrum analyzer.
Solution Highlights • Extend existing sub-6 GHz instruments to 5G mmWave economically • Reduce costs and time while upgrading to 5G mmWave • Up and down convert 5G mmWave with ease.

TMYTEK and thinkRF joined forces to introduce an Ultra-wideband Real-Time Spectrum Analyzer solution covering 5G FR1 and FR2 bands. thinkRF RTSA 5500 is a wideband, compact, and remote deployable spectrum analyzer. TMYTEK UD Box 5G is an ultra-broadband 5G up/down converter comprising of mixer(s), internal LO built by excellent phase noise PLO and optional filters. It comes in 2 choices of single or dual channels.

Remote spectrum monitoring is widely deployed for wireless spectrum resource management. Wireless industry needs to address 5G mmWave spectral efficiencies economically and verify the beam tracking algorithm and protocols with ease. thinkRF R5500 and TMYTEK UD Box 5G together provide a compact, flexible, and cost-effective spectrum monitor solution as seen in Fig. 1.

Down-convert RF to IF
RF signal at FR2 (24 - 44 GHz) is downconverted to be monitored in the spectrum analyzer. Frequency can be converted by two different sides - low-side injection (LO < RF) and high-side injection (LO > RF), as shown in Fig. 2. Both these can convert RF to desired IF frequency.

Frequency Extension Equipment Setup

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• IF Signal Spectrum Measurement
• IF Output Power Levels
• Conversion Loss Performance
• Measurement Considerations
The application note demonstrated the ability to extend existing sub-6 GHz equipment to include 5G mmWave capabilities. The existing spectrum analyzer (R5500) can analyze and detect signals up to a maximum frequency of 27 GHz. But, by integrating it with TMYTEK UD Box 5G, it has been shown that spectrum analysis of 5G mmWave up to 44 GHz can be achieved.

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Related documents:
• Refer to R5500/R5550 Real Time Spectrum Analyzer: thinkRF Support for R5500 datasheet, user guide and functionality. • Refer to UD Box 5G| Up/down converter, frequency converter | Up to 44 GHz | TMYTEK for TMYTEK UD Box 5G features, capabilities, and more details